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Textile Technology (Knitting)


Hand driven Circular Knitting Laboratory

In this laboratory various types of hand operated circular knitting machines are equipped such as pattern wheel machines, jack round machines, round machines etc. In this section students of second semester are given training about the technical as well as operational part of each machine, they are trained how to knit fabrics for the purpose of children wears and other outerwear garments.

Socks and Stockings Laboratory

This laboratory is equipped with hand operated socks machines of various diameters and gauges. Students of second semester are given skill of knitting socks, stockings and gloves in this lab.

Flat Knitting Machines Laboratory

Various types of flat machines both hand operated and power operated machines are there in this laboratory. Students are trained to operate the machine and are made capable to knit outerwear garments

Interlock/Sinkerbody Machines Laboratory

This laboratory is equipped with power operated Interlock Circular Machines and Sinker Body Machines of various diameter and gauge. Students are given training in this laboratory for setting knits on machines and to knit fabric for underwear and outerwear hosiery garments.

Power driven circular jacquard knitting machine laboratory

Machines with different types of designing units and of different gauge are available in this laboratory. Students get training to knit fabric and create designs for outerwear garments. There are also some power operated socks machines (both plain and jacquard) in this laboratory.

Warp Knitting Laboratory

This laboratory is equipped with Lace Raschel Machine, Warp Knitting machines and Warping machines. Students are made to create warp knitted fabrics of different designs and are trained to set warp-knitting machines.

Cutting and Tailoring Laboratory

 This laboratory is equipped with various types of cutting instruments and tailoring machines such as over lock machine, three threads over lock, flat lock and sewing machines etc.

Winding Laboratory

To assist the various knitting labs. for the purpose of winding the yarn and to be made use on knitting machines this lab. is equipped with various types of winding machines.